Happy Nowruz 2025 Wishes, Images, Photos, Date, Quotes, Greetings,

By | March 20, 2025

Happy Nowruz 2025 Wishes, Images, Photos, Date, Quotes, Greetings,:

Navroz or Nowruz is a 3000-year-old Parsi festival which stands for the renewal of tradition and nature. Since it marks new beginnings and doing away with the old, it is also known as Parsi New Year or ‘Pateti’.
While the Parsi New Year is celebrated on the first day of the spring equinox in the Middle East, for most Parsis in India, it is celebrated in the second half of the year.

This year, the festival will be celebrated on 20th March.
Celebrated by the Parsi community, followers of Zoroastrianism, the festival is celebrated with huge fervor. People decorate their homes, wear new clothes and furnish the houses and community spaces with fresh flowers like roses and jasmines. Parsis also like to pay a visit to the holy Fire temple, seek forgiveness for their sins and pray for prosperity on the day of the festival, promoting peace and solidarity in families. Devotees also offer milk, flowers, water, fruits, and sandalwood to the sacred fire.
Food also plays a great part in the festival. As people go around and visit their near and dear ones on a blessed day, traditional foods and delicacies are prepared on this day. Parsis always keep certain auspicious items at home, including their sacred book, a picture of Zarathustra, mirror, candles, incense burner, fruits, flowers, a goldfish bowl, sugar, bread, and some coins.

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